Friday, June 22, 2007

When I Am High Above The Earth

During that moment between when I depart from the plane and when I pull my ripcord, I am at peace. Unfortunately, eventually I have to come back down to earth where a lot of assholes live.

Here's how you deal with assholes. First, you ask them not to be assholes. When they persist, you knock them on their ass.


Tom said...

LOL... weeks without a post and that's what's on your mind? Knocking somebody on their ass?

It reminds me of a two year old's temper tantrum. No doubt, Christ would approve.

Douglas V. Gibbs said...
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Anonymous said...

so you'd rather stand there and let them beat you to a pulp? Sometimes dialogue does nothing to improve a situation. Apparently you spend your life with mommy and daddy's silver spoon shoved up your ass and have never experienced dealing with the unreasonable. Sometimes, Neurotic Tom, you have to defend yourself. That's the law of the jungle. Do I like to fight? No. But I sure as hell will defend myself if I must.

Tom said...

I understand self defense, but that's not what your fucking post said Rick. You said "assholes".

I remember this program from my childhood. It's slogan was "Reading is Fundamental". I suspect you never watched it.

In any case, what I find sublimely absurd is the preoccpuation of neanderthals like you with violence. You monkeys live and breath it night and day, and the first post you write in weeks has this sudden.. "beat up the asshole" post.

It's so weird. Are those really the thoughts that go through your head on an average day? "I gotta knock down an asshole today so I can feel like a man"?

It does explain a lot.

Tom said...


It so reminds me of Doug's, "I guarantee you, if a woman or child had a gun pointed at my head, I'd pull my own trigger."

The shit you freaks think about is just bizzare.