Freedom is a vital part of our government, and that part of it must be defended regularly. Our enemy would like to eliminate the government that our founding fathers deemed so vital for freedom. For those that believe a different system would be better than what is in place in America, then I suggest that you live under a dictator or socialist state for a few years. Perhaps that will bring you a greater appreciation for our balanced system here in the United States.
I, for one, do not wish to live under tyranny, and believe that military action is often necessary to defend our way of life. Freedom isn't free is the slogan you hear often when people explain that to others. The slogan is exactly correct.
I have been on inactive reserve for a little while, and now I have been called to duty. I cannot discuss any details, other than, it is time for me to defend what I believe in once again. Doug will maintain my site when I am gone, and will forward any correspondence to the site if I am able to send any.
With that said, to the many friends I have made during the short time I have been blogging, I say thank you, and good bye - until later.
I leave you with this funny video about Joy Behar calling Obama Girl a hooker.
Rick, for the last few months you have been nothing but a source of entertainment for me. I love how Tom rips you a new one every time you put your mind to typing.
Everything you stand for is beyond reason and I can't comprehend how you can think that way.
That said, I'm saddened at this news. It pains me to think you have to go to this horrible place and risk your life for this unjust war.
I'm also very proud. Proud of you and those like you, that do risk your life for the rest of us.
Sure, I could spin this in so many ways, but I'm not like that. I truly will miss you, and wish you the best and a swift and safe return.
Good luck.
Best of luck, and come home safe..
Good luck to you Rick. Hope to hear from you soon. Be safe brother.
Nice send off, gentlemen. And Rick, my dear friend, you are in my prayers. Do us proud, and come home safe. Anchors Aweigh, my friend, Anchors Aweigh.
Hello there my friend. Doug mentioned you on his blog and so any friend of his, I'd like to be a friend of as well. I wish you the best while over seas. Thank you and your brothers and sisters over there keeping the enemy at a lose. If it weren't for health issues, I wanted to be over there as well. You all are doing a great job and deserve NO disrespect for anyone. Unfortunately even our own Elected officials don't understand that. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
God Bless,
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