Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Michael Vick, the NFL quarterback,recently got busted for being involved with dog fighting. An NBA referee recently got busted for gambling on games he umpired. Barry Bonds is considered as one of today's elite players, but has the shadow of steroids hanging over him. These are only a few examples of sport figures not being responsible when it comes to their personal conduct. Why would these type of people who have life by the tail put everything at risk like that?

Perhaps the problem lies in giving these people too much money or responsility or temptations before they are ready for such.

Perhaps it is due to the collapsing societal morals we are facing in todays world.

In the end it comes down to this: To whom much is giving, much is expected.


Tom said...

Uh.. giving these people too much money or responsibility?

Did somebody give you too much money Rick? Is bad behavior by a very few reason to not pay others what they are worth? Who's to say how much they should get paid? You? Who's to say they "are ready for such"? You?

What a fucking joke.

Did somebody "give" Barry Bonds his job, or did he earn it?

What about Lindsay Lohan? She's got life by the tail too, and is screwing up badly. Should we regulate actors pay because some screw up?

And what is this bullshit about "collapsing morals"? Why not "those damn kids!" Why not "get off muh lawn!" ??

This idea of "collapsing morals" is all bullshit... this in a nation that had slavery, and later segregation. You have not a shred of evidence of this moral decline. You're just a fucking parrot, because you've heard Doug use that phrase.. and he has no evidence of it either.

You were given much (i.e. you didn't earn your retirement). What's expected of you? You ever make a mistake Rick? You ever fuck up?

Sky Dive Rick said...

You conveniently left out a word, dick. this is where you really shine. you claim to use what the other's say, then conveniently leave out the pertinent. Let's go over it again. "too much money. . . before they are ready for such. Hey, if they deserve buttloads of money and can handle, go for it. But these punks have it before they are responsible to handle it. Make mistakes? Sure I have, but there are mistakes, and then there are complete pieces of idiocy. Being an NFL player with a lucrative future and then being involved in dog fighting is not a mistake - it is idiocy - as for being Doug's parrot, think about it dickweed, by coming up with the same phrase maybe we aren't copying each other, maybe we just both recognize the truth.

Tom said...

The word "before" doesn't change the meaning in the least.

You're still claiming to know when somebody is "ready for such"? Notice, I left out he word "before" and it doesn't change the meaning in the least.

Here.. I'll write it with the word included.

You're claiming to know that people should not be given a large contract "before they are ready for it"? Notice the meaning is exactly the same?

It wasn't some nefarious plot of mine to change the meaning of what you wrote by dropping a word. It was that it didn't change the meaning of the phrase in the least. I mean.. you do understand that don't you?

The larger point is that I'm flabbergasted you would even include a "can handle it" disclaimer on whether or not somebody should be paid "buttloads". Who the fuck are you Rick? Are you the responsibility judge? Does the NFL need to run contracts by you to see if the player is given a contract "before" he is ready for it?

Let's say, for the sake of argument, it's any of your, or anyone elses's, business what kind of contract a person signs.... isn't it impossible to have known Vick was not "ready" for it until he actually screwed up? Do you have some kind of precognition where you can look at someone, somehow, and know they will screw up after getting that multi-million dollar contract?

I wrote on my blog that that was the dumbest fucking thing I've seen in ages, and you can't even begin to understand why - or even understand how not "conservative" that point of view is.

That's why you really aren't a conservative Rick. A conservative would say 'the contract those two parties sign is none of my business'. However, you think these athleetes are "punks" and somehow, your point of view should matter between the two people. Somebody should have known Vick was going to break the law and denied him a contract.

Well, guess what. Thank GOD you don't get to decide who is a punk and who is not.. and who gets to sign a contract and who does not..

Christ you're a loon.