Thursday, August 30, 2007

Proof that the majority of the French are stupid (must be that great education the liberals claim they are getting under their socialistic system!)


Douglas V. Gibbs said...

I showed this to a liberal friend of mine (argue politics with him at work all the time) and before the video really gets going I paused it and asked him if he knew the answer, he immediately said "the sun, of course."

More proof that socialistic liberalism does nothing but rot the brain.

Tom said...

That's "proof"? You both are mad as hatters...

Your evidence is stunning.. LOL

Which came first, man or dinosaurs?

A. Man
B. Dinosaurs
C. They both existed at the same time and Noah took them on the ark.
D. Dinosaurs never existed. They are a creation of the liberal media trying to destroy Christianity.

Anonymous said...

The really frightening statistic is that 56% of the audience thought that "b" was the correct answer. Good grief!

Simply more proof that America has the right idea. Your Democracy lends itself to independent thinking, and that benefits everybody else...even the French.

Veritas et Fidelis Semper