Saturday, August 4, 2007

A Swingin' Affair by Dick Dale and His Del-Tones

Dick Dale & His Del-Tones - Misirlou (from ''A Swingin' Afair'')

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Anonymous said...

Thank you, Sky dive Rick, for a welcome break on a Saturday afternoon.

I followed the link over from Political Pistachio, and am having a most interesting time reading your posts. Looking forward, sir, to many more visits.

Veritas et Fidelis Semper

P.S. Thank you for your service from one Canadian.

Sky Dive Rick said...

Thanks for the visit. Doug's the reason I decided to start a blog, to be honest. Looking forward to providing more posts and vids for folks like you. I see no link. Do you have a website?

Anonymous said...

Dear SDR: The reason that I vistied your site was not to advertise anything, but to have some interesting reads.

The answer to your question is "yes", however it is not under my own name. Mr. Gibbs has the site name, and should you ever wish to visit I would, indeed, feel honoured.

While not attempting to create mystery where none exists....well, Mr. Gibbs has my e-mail address and would, I have no doubt, either provide you with it or inform you of the reason for my not wishing my name and family motto to be either used or mentioned, EVER, on that site.

Thank you for resoponding, and I hope that you are enjoying your Saturday.

Veritas et Fidelis Semper