Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mothers Day

Thank you to all of the mothers out there who care for their children, are devoted wives, and did not abort their children.

Aren't you glad your mother decided not to murder you while you were still in the womb?


Wild Phil said...

Hi Rick,

Excellent way to word that, in fact most of the blabbering libtards today wouldn't realize that back in the day's that I was born parents didn't do those kinds of things, today all the Leftist/Socialsists can think of is how many more kids that they can murder. Great post my friend and a real honor to those who are the real moral women of the day.

Wild Phil said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wild Phil said...

Sorry Rick, I had to delete the other one because some how it put up two of the same comment.

Sky Dive Rick said...

all mothers in nature nurture their children - only humans pick and choose and murder their young in this way.

Tom said...

Only a loon could turn Mother's Day into a screed on abortion..

But on the topic.. I've read recently (I can dig up the link but it might take a bit) that the numbers of children born with Down's syndrom has declined substantially over the last few years. The reason is that doctors can tell very early in a pregnancy if the fetus has the disorder and many people choose to abort rather than go to term.

I'd imagine you think that's not a good idea either, but the issue is where you draw the line on YOUR authority to tell other people what they can and cannot do with their own reproductive systems.

Tom said...

Oh.. and I'd imagine you put your zoology degree to good use with this bit of wisdom;

all mothers in nature nurture their children

That's factually untrue. Many reject their newborns for various reasons, which is a form of after-birth abortion.

Wild Phil said...

Only a Leftist/Commie-Nazi Like You Tom would discredit the real Mothers with your Abortion statement which is a lover of Murdering Children is what it is all about Tom. The only problem Tom is your Mother should have aborted you before you came out.

Tom you leftist want to have a better world, just go out and play in the middle of traffic.

Tom said...

What's your deal Phil? You can't seem to argue coherently, and simply resort to silly quips.

People don't get that whacked out naturally... something must have happened to you.