Monday, May 7, 2007

What's Going Right In Iraq

The mainstream media is so busy showing us what they see as mistakes, that they never show you what's right - - - click here for that.


Wild Phil said...

Hi Rick,

That is because Liberalism is a mental disorder is why the Madness-Stupid-Mid_Evil Media doesn't want to report any of the good news.
All the Left is, is a bunch of coward's and traitors.

You leftists out there you all SUCK.

Sky Dive Rick said...

well said, Phil.

Tom said...

I can see Phil is having another one of his little tantrums.. You suck back!!1

So.. some things are going right in Iraq and we're not clapping loud enough? Well, are those "good things" worth over 3000 dead Americans and over a trillion dollars of our money?

Have a look at what a trillion dollars could have done for America. Really.. do yourself a favor and look.

For starters, $1.2 trillion would pay for an unprecedented public health campaign — a doubling of cancer research funding, treatment for every American whose diabetes or heart disease is now going unmanaged and a global immunization campaign to save millions of children’s lives.

Combined, the cost of running those programs for a decade wouldn’t use up even half our money pot. So we could then turn to poverty and education, starting with universal preschool for every 3- and 4-year-old child across the country. The city of New Orleans could also receive a huge increase in reconstruction funds.

The final big chunk of the money could go to national security. The recommendations of the 9/11 Commission that have not been put in place — better baggage and cargo screening, stronger measures against nuclear proliferation — could be enacted. Financing for the war in Afghanistan could be increased to beat back the Taliban’s recent gains, and a peacekeeping force could put a stop to the genocide in Darfur.

But instead.. you got your "good things" in Iraq and thousands of dead Americans. You loons are afraid of the Islamic boogey man.. not having the neurons to understand that using the money as described above would have made us a hell of a lot safer, and much stronger as a nation. What a damn shame.

Who sucks now Phil?