Thursday, May 10, 2007


Liberal Democrats are battling each other in a power struggle with the White House. They insist on playing games to "get their point across" rather than give our brave young men and women the funding they require. Rather than do the right thing, they are attempting a power grab with only the 2008 election in mind.

The actions of Congress is an intrusion on the authority of the Commander-in-Chief. What the Democrats are doing is in direct defiance of the Constitution. Article II, Seciton 2 reads:

The President Shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several states, when called into actual service of the United States.

And all of these games are being played at a time when our troops need funding. The troops are on the battlefield and need funding and this ongoing treasonous activities by Congress will result in nothing less than more of our troops coming home in body bags.


Wild Phil said...

Hi Rick,

Those Liberal Traitors, it would be the right thing to do is to string them up for that right on Pennsylvania avenue from the tops of the light polls.

testglobaltraffic said...
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Tom said...

Well, Rick.. you seem to lack a fundamental grasp of the United States Constitution and the concept of "seperation of powers".

I understand that the right wing would prefer a dictatorship where the President is all powerful, makes all decisions (he's the "decider" after all), and is accountable to no one. It just doesn't work that way in our system.

The Congress determins all budgets. Got that? Does that make sense? We do live in a Constitutional Republic after all.

You say that Congress is not "doing the right thing", even though each bill has the full funding the military is asking for. All the President has to do is sign the bill.

By the way, are you aware that a vast majority of Americans favor the Democrats bill?

I also find the rhetoric hysterical. Somehow the Congress exercising it's oversight authority is "treasonous"? What is causing our soldiers to come home in body bags is being over there in the first place. That's pretty obvious isn't it? There's over 3000 dead now, directly responsible to this "decider" and up until recently, Republican congress.

I find it highly amusing when the right wing loons no longer get to call the shots for everything. They created Vietnam II, and somebody needs to bring some competent leadership to the government.. finally.

In the simplisitc right wing mind, staying = winning, and leaving = losing.. I know understanding nuanced geopolitics is "hard werk" as the prez likes to call it, but it's just not that simple.

Here's a question for you.. Given the current state of chaos in Iraq, how long do you advocate having our military there and spending billions of dollars on it? If there is 1 more year of chaos, would you want to bring them home? How about 5 years? How about 10 more years of death and destruction Rick?

Do you even have a line to draw? I'm guessing not. You just get a testosterone filled woodie knowing that our "boys" are "kicking ass", right?

Tom said...

By the way.. I saw that Doug is now moderating comments on his blog. What a coward.. afraid of a few liberals.

Sky Dive Rick said...

I think he's just sick of reading stupid shit by idiots like you, Tom.

Tom said...

You call me an idiot when you don't even understand the principals of government in the nation that you live?

How ironic..

See this from Mitch McConnell?

BLITZER: And if they're not going to do what they need to do, what happens then?

MCCONNELL: Well, the Iraqi government is a huge disappointment. Republicans overwhelmingly feel disappointed about the Iraqi government. I read just this week that a significant number of the Iraqi parliament want to vote to ask us to leave.

I want to assure you, Wolf, if they vote to ask us to leave, we'll be glad to comply with their request.

Oh no!!! He's turning into a "cut-and-run(ner)!!

It's going to be funny as shit to see the entire Republican party turn into what you would call "traitors".

Tom said...

Oh.... and you don't care to offer your own opinion on how long we leave our military in the Iraqi meat grinder?

1 more year?

5 more years?

10 years?

Surely you have a plan?