I had a lengthy conversation with Doug from Political Pistachio today, and he had some interesting views regarding the Democrats and their view of the war on terror. He told me that he was going to talk about this attitude by the Left of the war on his radio show on Saturday, and he may be able to secure a veteran of Operation Iraq Freedom as a guest. Anyhow, this is a rundown of what we decided to be the truth about the idiot left:
The Democrats don't want to offend the Muslims because to do so would mean that there may be a small chance that Islam Terrorists might be the enemy as Conservatives have been declaring all along - and if they admitted that these people may possibly be the enemy, then that would mean that there is the slightest chance that the global war on terror is a good cause, which would make it possibly conceivable that Bush knew what he was doing when he invaded Iraq and that by pulling out of the region we would be making a grave mistake.
The Democrats would never admit that it is possible that anybody (other than the United States) is a violent enemy. It would interfere with their propaganda campaign (which is designed to eventually impeach him and silence Conservatives and Christians once and for all - as evidenced by the "Fairness Doctrine" which is anything but fair), which may interfere with their true goal (because, of course, the safety of America is obviously not their primary goal) of landing themselves into the White House in 2008. That is why they won't do any thing to protect this nation from another terror attack. They can't admit that anyone is the enemy other than the United States. They can't close the borders because that would admit there are people out there that are bad (other than Conservatives and Christians) and when we get attacked (and we will be because as much as this war on terror keeps the terrorists off our back on our soil, there are still cells within this country that can still carry out such attacks) again it won't be the fault of the enemy in the eyes of the Democrats. It will be our fault. The Left already thinks that it is our fault that the Sunnis and Shiites are blowing each others heads off as they take pop shots at American Troops (because they are too stupid to see the truth of the matter) and for all I know, they even believe that it is our fault that Islam hates the West (they hate anything not Islamic, you imbeciles). That is how the liberals work. Everyone other than them, according to lefty logic (now is that an oxymoron or what?) are too stupid to do anything right so the left must take control and steer us idiots in the proper direction. They are a bunch of Marxists who think that European Socialism and a global federation of government is the way to go. The only way to achieve that, however, is coercion, so they play their little games tricking the public into thinking that their lies are what's best for us, and morons like the liberal commenters on this blog have fallen for it hook line and sinker. That's what their plans to raise taxes is all about. It has nothing to do with revenue. It's all about CONTROL OVER YOU.
Ugh.. it's "pot shots", not "pop shots" mister brilliant commentator on the viewpoints of liberals.
The really weird part is that ya'll are convinced that somehow liberals are actively trying to destroy this nation. It's this weird psychosis you've got going there.
I'll debunk your drivel and explain to you the liberal point of view when I get some time. I do it only as a mental exercise as I know that you cannot possibly reconsider your point of view. That's the definition of a fanatic.
Oh.. and I see you're calling us "stupid", and "morons". I have an advanced engineering degree from a major university Rick. What is it that you do for a living?
Yea Tom you do it as a mental exercise, hah you are mentaly retarded Tom. You Liberals Suck.
Pop shots, pot shots, you knew what I mean. quit splitting hairs. the truth is the truth, but you are too busy looking for little shit that you can't see the big picture. Can't see the forest for the trees.
I don't divulge what I do or who I am or what I'm worth because I don't believe it is important, by the way. If you want to know personally what I do - I don't, I can afford not to. I choose to or not to. Up to you to figure it out. And Doug is a personal friend, though he is a little more laid back than I. I respect him, and he is the reason I decided to even open this blog. And he won't tell you, but I will. The dude is more of a man than any of us will ever be considering things he's seen and done. So rather than be an asshole, Tom, towards him and myself, show some respect. And you are wrong. Search inside for the answers. If anybody needs to be touched by God, you're it.
Rick, by even engaging in verbal intercourse with these "trolls" such as Tom, you are doing your blog a disservice. Don't feed the trolls, it only gives them more fervor to insult you and take what you say out of context. Political Pistachio went to moderation over this, and for good reason.
Steve is correct on that, you don't talk to Liberals they are not for talking to, they are for beating the shit out of or using them as target practice.
Jesus christ Phil.. what the fuck is your issue? You want to beat people up, or shoot them, over political ideology? How fucking sick is your mind?
Seriously.. get some help.
I said I'd do this, so here it is..
The Democrats don't want to offend the Muslims
Democrats would not want to offend any religion, be it Islam or any other religion.
because to do so would mean that there may be a small chance that Islam Terrorists might be the enemy as Conservatives have been declaring all along
Democrats understand that radical Islamic terrorists are a threat, hence near universal support for the campaign in Afghanistan...
if they admitted that these people may possibly be the enemy, then that would mean that there is the slightest chance that the global war on terror is a good cause
What is the "global war on terror" exactly? For example, 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis.. doesn't that mean we should have nuked Saudi Arabia?
You can't have a "war" on a tactic, nor any real military means to address an amorphous and fluid problem of what is essentially an untargetable and unsponsored enemy.
Conservatives like to use slogans, such as the "WoT" or "fight them there so we don't have to fight them here", but there is really no coherent strategy. Conservatives think exclusively in terms of military might, but as we have seen over the last 4 years, it's not working.
So, yes, Democrats understand very well who and what the threat is. It wasn't Iraq, and the current methodology has been nothing but an abject failure that has done nothing but swell the ranks of the "terrorist", and cost America dearly in blood and money.
Bush knew what he was doing when he invaded Iraq and that by pulling out of the region we would be making a grave mistake.
All the justifications for the invasion have turned out to be false. That aside, "pulling out" is a grave mistake? I ask this all the time and once I'd like a clear and coherent answer; how long does this go on? It's obvious there is no military solution, as General Petraeus has said;
"There is no military solution to a problem like that in Iraq, to the insurgency of Iraq,"
So, the question is, 1 more year? Does this go on for 5 more years before you decide that our soldiers are being misused? How about 10 years? Do you think there is a magic pony that will all of a sudden make the region embrace peace and democracy?
The Democrats would never admit that it is possible that anybody (other than the United States) is a violent enemy.
No.. we understand that.. We also understand that they were in Afghanistan, not in Iraq. However, simplistic thinking from the conservatives would suggest that all the "terrorists" have gone over to Iraq and that somehow we have magically contained them there. That's absurd. The radicals that would want to damage our nation can be anywhere and until you address the reason why they want to do us harm, the nation will never be safe.
This isn't an episode of 24. Jack Bauer will not save everyone.
the safety of America is obviously not their primary goal.. That is why they won't do any thing to protect this nation from another terror attack.
Do you know how much of the 9/11 Commission recommendations have been implemented? The Democrats will implement them. It's pretty crazy thinking that Democrats don't want America "safe" in order to win the executive in '08. However, the whole "safe" thing is yet another simplistic slogan from people who live in fear of the boogie man. Certainly, steps can be taken which have NOT been done by this Republican administration (and 4 years of Republican congress) to help improve security, but that doesn't mean you can ever assure "safety". That's just not realistic.
They can't close the borders because that would admit there are people out there that are bad
Ohhh.. if we "close" the borders that'll prevent a determined psycho from getting in? Ya okay.. dream on. Still, the Republicans haven't "closed" the borders and they had the executive and both branches of Congress for 4 years.
and when we get attacked again it won't be the fault of the enemy in the eyes of the Democrats.
Your Haldol prescription run out? Democrats don't accuse Republicans of such drivel. We just think the Republicans are (obviously) incompetent. It's rather bizarre how ya'll can look into the heart of a political party and dream up something that ludicrous.
You can froth day and night about it, but what you're essentially doing is trying to paint a long-standing American political party as an enemy of America. You have nothing to substantiate the view, but it works as a vitriolic tool to rile people up. It appeals to your hate and your testosterone, which in the end is what this is all about.
But - just so you know.. if some attack happens again, Democrats will "fault" those that perpetrated the attacks. You can close your eyes and stomp your feet and wish on your magic star that it wouldn't be so.. but I'm telling you, it would be so.
The Left already thinks that it is our fault that the Sunnis and Shiites are blowing each others heads off as they take pop shots at American Troops
It's simple cause and effect. They weren't doing that to this degree before we got there, and now they are. Hussein was a brutal dictator, but he certainly did keep the different factions relatively in line.
But to directly answer your question, NO, that is not what the "left" believes is the cause of the civil war. Those tribes have been warring for millennia and they always will be until they work it out between themselves. All the U.S. did was remove their reason to not kill each other, and so the fight was on as it's always been on. It's unfortunate that our soldiers have to be there to get caught in the middle. It's not our fight.
for all I know, they even believe that it is our fault that Islam hates the West
Ah.. there it is. That's where the GARWL (Great American Right Wing Loon) classifies the entire Islamic religion has one homogenous group acting in concert to "destroy" the west. In those types of statements the GARWL will flirt and suggest the "holy war", and if they were honest they would finally come out and say it.. "we need to destroy Islam".
For the record, the "left" does not believe that it is our fault that Islam hates the west. Organized religion needs a target, whatever that religion is, to be viable. Many extreme Islamic leaders have essentially brainwashed many Muslims into their hatred. They do it for financial reasons, and to be relevant. It's exactly the same way that Jerry Falwell used to whip up religious fervor in hatred of some other group.
In other words, the U.S. has given the crazy mullahs yet more ammunition with which to indoctrinate more young Muslims into their cult by invading and occupying two Islamic nations. That is only obvious.
The "enemy" is not Islam. The enemy is religious extremism of any stripe, and that includes religious group’s attempts to hijack secular governments, such as is underway in Turkey, India, and the United States.
Wouldn't it be ironic if Iraq turns into the Islamic Republic of Iraq? It certainly does appear to be headed in that direction.
Everyone other than them, according to lefty logic (now is that an oxymoron or what?) are too stupid to do anything right so the left must take control and steer us idiots in the proper direction.
That's essentially correct, bravo. It's obvious the GARWL doesn't have any disdain for abject failure and incompetence, otherwise your criticism might be directed at your own political movement for botching the war. Even Doug has admitted the war is a failure - he just blames the left who had nothing to do with the war, nor any influence on policy until the last mid-term.
We are bleeding money and soldiers in an untenable situation. You wishing for it to get better will not make it so. There are no magic ponies just around the corner. It's going to take a strong liberal leader to disentangle us from that mess and focus on what is important - our own people and our own security.
They are a bunch of Marxists who think that European Socialism and a global federation of government is the way to go.
Nope.. wrong again. We're a bunch of Democrats supporting Democracy, the rule of law, and a strong belief in the Constitution of the United States, including all it's amendments, especially the first 10 - the bill of rights.
We also believe that working together with other nations in the world will serve us better than alienating them to the point that we are despised by the vast majority of the world.
That's what their plans to raise taxes is all about.
I like how you throw that little gem in right at the end. Did you know that the current federal deficit is at record levels - brought to you by the good conservatives in the congress? Did you know that non-military federal spending exploded under the conservatives to record levels? Did you know that never, in the history of the United States, has taxes been cut during a "time of war"?
And to think.. they inherited a budget surplus. Go figure.
Democrats believe that deficit spending is a bad idea, and you have to pay for what you spend. You can't simply just keep spending and cutting taxes and expect to have a healthy economy. To that effect, the Democrats would roll back the Bush tax-cuts (call it raising taxes if you want) on the wealthiest that benefited the most, to the Clinton era levels.
The way conservatives froth about taxes, you'd think they want something for free. Why not cut taxes entirely, right? Why not do away with all taxes? There's no reason to pay for the budget is there? We can just keep racking it up and hand it off to the next generation to figure out.
In other words, all conservatives can screech is "cut taxes" but never have a plan for actually paying for the programs they introduced in the first place. Remember that Medicare prescription drug plan? Why fund that, eh? Just cut all the taxes and let the old folks croak because they can't get their meds or social security benefits. Hey, it's a harsh world and only the strong survive, and too bad for all the old people that didn't make enough or save enough or plan ahead.
So - now that you know the real viewpoint for "the left" (not that I claim to speak for all lefties), you can correct your post.
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