Doug over at Political Pistachio posted about the Homosexual Agenda being pushed in the school system, and I agreed, but thought he was overdoing it a bit.
Then this happened!
Holy shit! twelve year olds? And the teacher knew damn well she was out of line!
Not only should Brokeback Mountain due to its homosexual material not be shown to a bunch of children without parent approval, but it's Rated R as well! (Granted, the R-rating is because of the controversial gay material).
It is not accident that in the United States 97% of AIDS cases are homosexuals. The life expectancy of gay men is considerable shorter than straight men because THE MALE BODY IS NOT DESIGNED FOR THAT KIND OF USE!
On top of that, thanks to the feministic nazis women are trying to be men, and thanks to queers men are trying to be like women.
What the fuck?
I understand the Biblical implications, and such, but come on, it only takes common sense to realize that the butt was not made for penetration. As for me, there is an "Exit Only" sign on mine.
And before you libs start barking at me about my insensitive remarks, read my lips: Homosexuals are not a race, or an ethnic group. They are what they are because of choice, and do not deserve special treatment (nobody deserves preferential treatment anyway). Hey, if you want to butt-slam behind the closed doors of your house, fine, but don't parade it in front of me, or my children. A person's rights stop where the other's starts, and my right not to have my children exposed to that kind of filth negates your right to grab each other's asses in public!
And I'll be damned if my kids will be exposed to that shit by some teacher without giving me the option to pull my child out of the class before the showing of the flick. It offends me.
Of course, offensiveness only applies to those who aren't white males, or Christians, right?
Hi Rick,
That's the whole problem with Liberal Lunatics, they think that they are Progressive when actually they are regressive, they think that men should be women and women should be men.
Yo, you liberals SUCK.
Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil
Holy cow.. your stupidity has reached a new low. Lets do a bit of fact checking, shall we? We all know right wing loons like to post assertions without actually linking to anything, so I suspect you are completely full of shit again.
First, it was inappropriate for the teacher to show the movie. At least in our culture it would be inappropriate because of the movie's R rating. However, you didn't mention it was a school in Australia, and perhaps their standards are different. In any case, arguing against an act that was done contrary to policy is pretty stupid. If showing the movie was in line with policy, then you'd have an argument.
the R-rating is because of the controversial gay material
There's your first factually inaccuate and not-linked assertion. The movie was not rated R because of the gay theme. link.
MPAA Rating:, R for sexuality, nudity, language and some violence.
Every movie that has sex in it has the "sexuality" criteria.
It is not accident that in the United States 97% of AIDS cases are homosexuals.
Wrong.. where did you get that stat? It's stunning how vapid your arguments are. Lets see the real info, shall we?
Of new infections among men in the United States, CDC estimates that approximately 60 percent of men were infected through homosexual sex, 25 percent through injection drug use, and 15 percent through heterosexual sex.
Of new infections among women in the United States, CDC estimates that approximately 75 percent of women were infected through heterosexual sex and 25 percent through injection drug use.
I'd really be curious to know why you loons constantly post bullshit and not even bother linking anything? I suppose that's a completely seperate topic.
Still, when you consider AIDS world-wide, the vast majority are heterosexual, meaning that AIDS is a "heterosexual" disease right?
In 2003 alone, HIV/AIDS-associated illnesses caused the deaths of approximately 2.9 million people worldwide, including an estimated 490,000 children younger than 15 years.
All those dead kids.. infected by their mothers and conceived via heterosexual sex.
You, being a really stupid insensitive asshole, like to think it's just a "gay" disease instead of just a really horrible disease killing a wide variety of people world-wide. It doesn't matter how a person got it.
The life expectancy of gay men is considerable shorter than straight men
Again, you are completely full of shit.
Unfortunately there really is no satisfactory measure of actual life expectancy among gay men. However, Harry Rosenberg, the mortality-statistics chief at the National Center for Health Statistics, says he's unaware of evidence that HIV-negative gays have a lower life expectancy than other males. Rosenberg also points to one reason to think the HIV-negative gay male may actually live longer on average than the straight male: Gays may have higher incomes and more education on average than straights--two factors powerfully correlated with longer life spans.
Again, how do you keep pulling statistics out of thin air without referencing anything? Don't you feel like a complete idiot when you are constantly wrong?
On top of that, thanks to the feministic nazis women are trying to be men, and thanks to queers men are trying to be like women.
Oh yes.. the "everyone is supposed to be like me" argument. No thanks.
Homosexuals are not a race, or an ethnic group. They are what they are because of choice
I don't understand why straight male factually challenged bigots always insist on that. Every credible scientific body disputes that claim, yet you will insist on making it. Why is that? In any case, I'll reference the American Psychological Association.. link
What Causes a Person To Have a Particular Sexual Orientation?
There are numerous theories about the origins of a person's sexual orientation; most scientists today agree that sexual orientation is most likely the result of a complex interaction of environmental, cognitive and biological factors. In most people, sexual orientation is shaped at an early age. There is also considerable recent evidence to suggest that biology, including genetic or inborn hormonal factors, play a significant role in a person's sexuality. In summary, it is important to recognize that there are probably many reasons for a person's sexual orientation and the reasons may be different for different people.
Is Sexual Orientation a Choice?
No, human beings can not choose to be either gay or straight. Sexual orientation emerges for most people in early adolescence without any prior sexual experience. Although we can choose whether to act on our feelings, psychologists do not consider sexual orientation to be a conscious choice that can be voluntarily changed.
And finally, this little nugget of wisdom from Rick.
I'm curious why you hate people different from yourself so much? You have no substantive argument on this topic what-so-ever but I know you will not stop hating. Is it because of low self esteeme?
I'd also be curious to visit the topic of argument. You should create another post.. make a bunch of assertions without any references and then see if you can seem to have any credibility at all.
Just because you say something is so doesn't make it so, and your arguments are pathetic when someone can simply do a few minutes of research and prove you wrong. Is that how you like to argue Rick?
Maybe you should use Phil's method of argument and just froth at the mouth.. screaming vulgarities with spittle covering your monitor.
Oh and Phil..
NO.. YOU SUCK!!111
And yet, Tom, the sad truth is, regardless of all that you said (which doesn't jive with my info, but that is neither here nor there) If guys weren't poking each others asses and people didn't treat sex like it was some pasttime, but saved it for one person through marriage only, AIDS and all of the other STDs would not be a problem. I don't need a source for that. That is just the truth. Hey, but maybe it's a good thing you support this stuff, and probably participate as well, Tom, because then maybe through this all these diseases will filter out pieces of shit like you.
Hey, if you want to butt-slam behind the closed doors of your house, fine, but don't parade it in front of me, or my children. A person's rights stop where the other's starts, and my right not to have my children exposed to that kind of filth negates your right to grab each other's asses in public!
I lol'd at that.
So, then Tom's right to not see you and your wife holding hands means YOU CAN"T DO THAT! It's offensive!
Omg. The shear banality of it all. I especially liked Ricks previous post of "Facts are neither here nor there.' without ever brining of his facts into the post...making it seem like he doesn't have any...which he probably doesn't... Ignorance is bliss I suppose though.
Yes, so now we descend into the sticking of fingers into ears and the childish stomping of feet, "I don't care what you say" territory of the Great North American Right Wing Loon... sprinkled on top with a little "hope you die" for added flavor.
See.. my "info" doesn't seem to jive with yours because I quote government and recognized profesional associations.. and I mean quote them directly and link... whereas you probably read something that that crazy fuck Paul Cameron wrote - just before he got booted from the APA for ethics violations. It was Paul Cameron, wasn't it? Check his wiki, it's fabulous... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Cameron
I've had close friends die of AIDS you sick fuck.. and they were far more decent human beings then you could ever dream of being.
It would be really amusing if you got Alan Keyes'd. Wiki him if you want to see what that means. It's hillarious.
Hey Tom Fuck You Asshole.
No.. Fuck You Phil!!1
LOL.. gonna give yourself a stroke if you don't chill..
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