Friday, May 18, 2007

Ron Paul shows why he is in the wrong debate - - moron!


Wild Phil said...

Hi Rick,

Let me explain something about people like Ron Paul, he is still living in the mindset of the Pre-George McGovern era, back then the Conservative Party was not much for going over seas to solve conflicts and since Lindon B. Johnson, it's like the Conservative Party Has Switched Places With the Liberal Party because back in that time frame the Liberal Party was for going over seas and fighting those conflicts but ever since the middle 60's times have changed and what was the thing for one party has become what that is for the opposite party.

It's just that many people are still living in the past including the Liberals, they see there glory days of peace rally's and such and not of the time of FDR.

Yo Liberals don't try to even dispute what I have said, I lived it I know it and you can just shut your trap. Got it.

Tom said...


Actually.. I wasn't going to argue so much as recognize that you are correct in many ways. I wouldn't say that liberals and conservatives switched, but conservatives are certainly nothing like they were during the Goldwater era.

Nothing is quite as simple as you think it is. Were world circumstances the same today as they were in FDR's time, "liberals" would support FDR. The key is in the details.

For example, if the Germans suddenly flipped out and invaded Poland, attacked Russia, and started bombing London - liberals would be behind a strong military retaliation. However, you can't draw the same analogy to Iraq. Invading Iraq after the attacks on 9/11 would be as if FDR had our military attack China after Pearl Harbor. It was just stupid.

But in other terms, you are correct in that the "conservatives" have exploded entitlement spending to record levels and liberals now think that's really a bad idea, especially considering it's not being paid for and deficits are skyrocketing. In that sense, it would appear that liberals and conservatives have switched views. Goldwater was totally anti-New Deal, yet the current conservative president created the largest entitlement since FDR. Wierd, eh?

Conservatives, at least the Goldwater variety, were supporters of small governement, no religious involvement (i.e. secularism), personal responsibility, and had a really great libertarian streak. I support those views, even being a total liberal as I am.

Could you imagine if the whole Terri Schiavo debacle had happened during a Goldwater administration? He'd have been appalled at Congress trying to interfere. Goldwater also supported abortion rights and supported gay rights. The current conservative party has been hijacked by hard-core fundi Christians who are diametrically opposed to the Goldwater (and to a large degree Reagan also) style conservatism.

So - I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying there are a lot of details that matter. If you wanted to get a shit-ton of quality info on the topic, Andrew Sullivan's book, The Conservative Soul is worth a read. It documents classic conservative thought, what it has become today, and how to recover some of the ideals that make sense, that even a lot of liberals like me can get behind.

Wild Phil said...


Your still the lying liberal shit head that you have always been.

The Liberals put us into the deficit by their spending extravaganza.

Another thing Andrew Sullivan is a Joke.

You Liberals Suck.

Tom said...

Phil.. wow.. you really believe that? You make it so easy..

From CNN.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Clinton announced Wednesday that the federal budget surplus for fiscal year 2000 amounted to at least $230 billion, making it the largest in U.S. history and topping last year's record surplus of $122.7 billion.

"Eight years ago, our future was at risk," Clinton said Wednesday morning. "Economic growth was low, unemployment was high, interest rates were high, the federal debt had quadrupled in the previous 12 years. When Vice President Gore and I took office, the budget deficit was $290 billion, and it was projected this year the budget deficit would be $455 billion."

President Clinton announces that the federal budget surplus for fiscal year 2000 is the largest in U.S. history

Instead, the president explained, the $5.7 trillion national debt has been reduced by $360 billion in the last three years -- $223 billion this year alone.

This represents, Clinton said, "the largest one-year debt reduction in the history of the United States."

So.. Phil.. you think that's all a big giant pack of lies? You think CNN (and all the other news media) conspired to change the reports from the GAO (General Accounting Office) ?? Did space aliens abudct you and give you an anal probe destroying your ability to think rationally and process obvious information?

Now, how about the Bush administration, which coincidentally had a Republican controlled Congress the entire time?

A report from the Christian Science Monitor.

WASHINGTON – The outlook for the federal deficit isn't getting any better - and that grim reality could affect prospects for passage of much of President Bush's domestic agenda.

Congressional Budget Office projections released Tuesday estimate Washington will run $368 billion in the red for fiscal 2005. That's $20 billion worse than the CBO's projection from last fall.

Seriously Phil.. you think that's all just a big giant pack of lies?

Wild Phil said...

Yes you Liberals Always lie, you are a pack of liars that's it.