(An Arkansas event)
Subject: Very interesting, food for thought
Back in September of 2005, on the first day of school, Martha Cothren, a social studies school teacher at Robinson High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, did something not to be forgotten.
On the first day of school, with the permission of the school superintendent, the principal and the building supervisor, she removed all of the desks out of her classroom. When the first period kids entered the room, they discovered that there were no desks.
Looking around, confused, they asked, "Ms. Cothren, where're our desks?" She replied, "You can't have a desk until you tell me what you have done to earn the right to sit at a desk." They thought, "Well, maybe it's our grades." "No," she said. "Maybe it's our behavior." She told them, "No, it's not even your behavior."
And so, they came and went, the first period, second period, third period. Still no desks in the classroom. By early afternoon, television news crews had started gathering in Ms. Cothren's classroom to report about this crazy teacher who had taken all the desks out of her room.
The final period of the day came, and as the puzzled students found seats on the floor of the deskless classroom, Martha Cothren said, "Throughout the day, no one has been able to tell me just what he/she has done to earn the right to sit at the desks that are ordinarily found in this classroom. Now, I am going to tell you."
At this point, Martha Cothren went over to the door of her classroom, and opened it. Twenty-seven (27) U.S. Veterans, all in uniforms, walked into that classroom, each one carrying a school desk. The Vets began placing the school desks in rows, and then they would walk over, and stand alongside the wall.
By the time the last soldier had set the final desk in place, those kids started to understand, perhaps for the first time in their lives, just how the right to sit at those desks had been earned.
Martha said, "You didn't earn the right to sit at these desks. These heroes did it for you. They placed the desks here for you. Now, it's up to you to sit in them. It is your responsibility to learn, to be good students, to be good citizens. They paid the price, so that you could have the freedom to get an education. Don't ever forget it."
BTW, this is a true story.... http://www.snopes.com/glurge/nodesks.asp
If you can read this,
Thank a teacher.
If you read it in English,
Thank a Veteran!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
No Letters To Home
Rick, my friend for over twenty years, has not so much as sent me a phone call. His entire family consists of my friendship, an ex-wife, and a son. Recently, he deployed overseas, but since he is a former SEAL, and discharged from the United States Navy a few years back, I believe the deployment is not with the military, but with a private contractor not unlike Black Water.
Anyhow, I suppose what I wrote this for was to say that my prayers are with him, and my hopes for a safe return remains.
Please pray with me that Rick returns safely.
Anyhow, I suppose what I wrote this for was to say that my prayers are with him, and my hopes for a safe return remains.
Please pray with me that Rick returns safely.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Friday, October 5, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Try a Tyranny

Freedom is a vital part of our government, and that part of it must be defended regularly. Our enemy would like to eliminate the government that our founding fathers deemed so vital for freedom. For those that believe a different system would be better than what is in place in America, then I suggest that you live under a dictator or socialist state for a few years. Perhaps that will bring you a greater appreciation for our balanced system here in the United States.
I, for one, do not wish to live under tyranny, and believe that military action is often necessary to defend our way of life. Freedom isn't free is the slogan you hear often when people explain that to others. The slogan is exactly correct.
I have been on inactive reserve for a little while, and now I have been called to duty. I cannot discuss any details, other than, it is time for me to defend what I believe in once again. Doug will maintain my site when I am gone, and will forward any correspondence to the site if I am able to send any.
With that said, to the many friends I have made during the short time I have been blogging, I say thank you, and good bye - until later.
I leave you with this funny video about Joy Behar calling Obama Girl a hooker.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
If the issue over illegals coming into this country scares you now. . .
Wait until after you watch this video.
Stop illegal immigration NOW!
Stop illegal immigration NOW!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Obama Girl shows her not-so liberal side
"I Like a Boy" featuring Leah, Mims, Obama Girl...
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A salute to U.S. Troops who serve overseas and at home...and the people who love them.
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A salute to U.S. Troops who serve overseas and at home...and the people who love them.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Why the Current Politically Correct Rules of Engagement are Killing our Soldiers
As a soldier, first Army, then Navy, and eventually Navy SEAL, I understand the ugly nature of war. I understand that the enemy does not always follow the same rules and guidelines that you do as an American Soldier. However, as Americans, we hold ourselves to certain standards, and regardless of the illegal tactics practiced by the enemy, we must continue to hold ourselves to the standards and principles we expect of ourselves.
The insurgents in Iraq, and of Islamic terrorists overall, do not wear uniforms. They do not use any kind of formation. The fight like no other enemy we have ever faced. They are even more deceptive than what we faced in Vietnam. This current enemy uses unconventional techniques and tactics, move freely among the population of the community, and are even upstanding community members by day in many cases. This enemy is willing to do whatever it takes to kill American Soldiers. They routinely use children as human shields, as well as their women. In many cases they also coerce these same women and children into the service of their insurgency. Many of the guerillas in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting our soldiers were at once simply a mother or a child who wished to have nothing to do with the violence perpetrated by the insurgents.
Regardless, these people still hold weapons and still have them aimed at our soldiers. They are a threat, and as with any of the insurgents schooled by Islamic Terorism, they are determined to kill our young men and women in uniform.
This is an effective tactic, because by studying the American Soldier, the enemy has realized that American troops will go to great lengths to avoid killing women and children. In fact, not only based on the rules of engagement in place on our troops, but due to their sense of goodness and humanity, Americans will even hesitate at great risk to themselves to return fire when they see that the enemy firing upon them is women and children.
As Tom has so kindly pointed out, in August, the current rules of engagement in print indicate that, and this is a paraphrase of the entire authorization, that if the enemy has the intent to harm you and you recognize this intent based on your past experience as a soldier, then you may only then respond, with deadly force if necessary. In a sense, fire when fired upon, or you know that you will be fired upon.
However, those exact words above, as Tom pointed out, are not what is printed int eh official appendix, Rules of Engagement for U.S. Military Forces in Iraq." In fact, the exact wording is "Do not target or strike any of the following except in self-defense to protect yourself, your unit, friendly forces, and designated persons or property under your control." In other words, what I said above. The official rules of engagement also state "Do not fire into civilian populated areas or buildings unless the enemy is using them for military purposes or if necessary for your self-defense. Minimize collateral damage." Apparently the mainstream media trumps that one, because in Haditha the enemy was using civilian homes for their military purposes and those Marines felt they were in a position of needing to act in their self-defense, but because of the enemy's use of civilian shields and the coercian they used to get these civilians to also fire upon those Marines, that rule went out the window, and rather being thanked for killing the insurgents that were hiding among those civilians, they are being prosecuted for participating in a massacre. Notice the appendix does not indicate "No collateral damage allowed." It states to minimize collateral damage, which I believe our troops are attempting to do. However, when the enemy is interspersed with the population, collateral damage is an unfortunate result.
The appendix on the Rules of Engagement Tom so kindly made us all aware of is not the true rules of engagement, as limiting as it still is. The true rules of engagement are those rules applied on the ground. And the enemy is exploiting these rules.
“A lot of us feel like we have our hands tied behind our back,” says Cpl. Peter Mattice, of Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment. “In Fallujah, [insurgents] know our [rules of engagement] - they know when to stop, just before we engage.” Captain's Journal
While you are at it read THIS, Politically Correct Rules of Engagement endanger troops, and THIS, NCO's Speak on Rules of Engagement (notice the part where he indicates "there is a difference between written ROE (most of which the grunt is not allowed to read), and the implementation in the field." Also, read this: Snipers having tragic success against American Troops.
I understand that when you are out there in the field with your weapon in hand, and the enemy is present, and you know it, the last thing you need is the press, political correctness, or anything else to cause you to hesitate. Hesitation, in time of war, equals your death. The current rules of engagement, written and implied, are killing our soldiers.
The insurgents in Iraq, and of Islamic terrorists overall, do not wear uniforms. They do not use any kind of formation. The fight like no other enemy we have ever faced. They are even more deceptive than what we faced in Vietnam. This current enemy uses unconventional techniques and tactics, move freely among the population of the community, and are even upstanding community members by day in many cases. This enemy is willing to do whatever it takes to kill American Soldiers. They routinely use children as human shields, as well as their women. In many cases they also coerce these same women and children into the service of their insurgency. Many of the guerillas in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting our soldiers were at once simply a mother or a child who wished to have nothing to do with the violence perpetrated by the insurgents.
Regardless, these people still hold weapons and still have them aimed at our soldiers. They are a threat, and as with any of the insurgents schooled by Islamic Terorism, they are determined to kill our young men and women in uniform.
This is an effective tactic, because by studying the American Soldier, the enemy has realized that American troops will go to great lengths to avoid killing women and children. In fact, not only based on the rules of engagement in place on our troops, but due to their sense of goodness and humanity, Americans will even hesitate at great risk to themselves to return fire when they see that the enemy firing upon them is women and children.
As Tom has so kindly pointed out, in August, the current rules of engagement in print indicate that, and this is a paraphrase of the entire authorization, that if the enemy has the intent to harm you and you recognize this intent based on your past experience as a soldier, then you may only then respond, with deadly force if necessary. In a sense, fire when fired upon, or you know that you will be fired upon.
However, those exact words above, as Tom pointed out, are not what is printed int eh official appendix, Rules of Engagement for U.S. Military Forces in Iraq." In fact, the exact wording is "Do not target or strike any of the following except in self-defense to protect yourself, your unit, friendly forces, and designated persons or property under your control." In other words, what I said above. The official rules of engagement also state "Do not fire into civilian populated areas or buildings unless the enemy is using them for military purposes or if necessary for your self-defense. Minimize collateral damage." Apparently the mainstream media trumps that one, because in Haditha the enemy was using civilian homes for their military purposes and those Marines felt they were in a position of needing to act in their self-defense, but because of the enemy's use of civilian shields and the coercian they used to get these civilians to also fire upon those Marines, that rule went out the window, and rather being thanked for killing the insurgents that were hiding among those civilians, they are being prosecuted for participating in a massacre. Notice the appendix does not indicate "No collateral damage allowed." It states to minimize collateral damage, which I believe our troops are attempting to do. However, when the enemy is interspersed with the population, collateral damage is an unfortunate result.
The appendix on the Rules of Engagement Tom so kindly made us all aware of is not the true rules of engagement, as limiting as it still is. The true rules of engagement are those rules applied on the ground. And the enemy is exploiting these rules.
“A lot of us feel like we have our hands tied behind our back,” says Cpl. Peter Mattice, of Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment. “In Fallujah, [insurgents] know our [rules of engagement] - they know when to stop, just before we engage.” Captain's Journal
While you are at it read THIS, Politically Correct Rules of Engagement endanger troops, and THIS, NCO's Speak on Rules of Engagement (notice the part where he indicates "there is a difference between written ROE (most of which the grunt is not allowed to read), and the implementation in the field." Also, read this: Snipers having tragic success against American Troops.
I understand that when you are out there in the field with your weapon in hand, and the enemy is present, and you know it, the last thing you need is the press, political correctness, or anything else to cause you to hesitate. Hesitation, in time of war, equals your death. The current rules of engagement, written and implied, are killing our soldiers.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
In response to Tom's Neurosis' new blog, Right Wing Loon
Tom thinks he's slick, misrepresenting Doug from Political Pistachio with a site that lies about Doug, and says some pretty screwed up things about him. Well, now I have my own "make fun of Tom" site, Queer Tom. Let's see which one is considered tasteless first. In this society of limited Free Speech, I'll bet mine gets flagged first because of the gay remarks. However, Tom's Christian bashing will be considered okay. It's a double-standard world we live in, and the Liberals have us by the balls, or so they think. Screw you, asshole.
Oh, and speaking of assholes, our Gathering of Eagles are opposing the assholes from ANSWER today in Washington D.C.
Live report from D.C. on Political Pistachio Radio tonight at 8:00 pm Eastern. Check it out.
Oh, and speaking of assholes, our Gathering of Eagles are opposing the assholes from ANSWER today in Washington D.C.
Live report from D.C. on Political Pistachio Radio tonight at 8:00 pm Eastern. Check it out.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Monday, September 3, 2007
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Sunday, August 26, 2007
When the propagandists are caught red handed, and a video to explain why. . .

Do you remember when this photograph first appeared? Apparently the story is that AFP showed this photograph with the caption "An elderly Iraqi woman shows two bullets which she says hit her house following an early coalition forces raid in the predominantly Shiite Baghdad suburb of Sadr City."
People with brains, or at least experience with firearms picked up on this immediately as being the typical propaganda full of lies the enemy tries to use - because they weren't even smart enough to get their story straight with the picture.
Don't understand? Watch the video - it'll become clear for you.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
No party lines on this one, it confuses all across the board
Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina answers a question
Uh, what did she say?
Uh, what did she say?
Friday, August 24, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Elvira Arellano Says U.S. 'Broke The Law First'
Aug. 22, 2007. Elvira Arellano speaks to the Mexican Congress about her deportation from the United States. Elvira claims the U.S. broke that law first by 'allowing' illegal immigrants to pay taxes. Sounds like the anti-military crowd claiming it's America's fault that Islamofascism attacked America. The idiocy is mindboggling.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Bernard Sky Dives - watch it to the end, it's worth it for the laugh!
After seeing this my first words were, "Ahh, Shit!"
Monday, July 30, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Fred Thompson and a Freak
At the end of the vid you will see a freaky conspiracy theorist get out of hand. I don't blame Fred for feeling threatened.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Michael Vick, the NFL quarterback,recently got busted for being involved with dog fighting. An NBA referee recently got busted for gambling on games he umpired. Barry Bonds is considered as one of today's elite players, but has the shadow of steroids hanging over him. These are only a few examples of sport figures not being responsible when it comes to their personal conduct. Why would these type of people who have life by the tail put everything at risk like that?
Perhaps the problem lies in giving these people too much money or responsility or temptations before they are ready for such.
Perhaps it is due to the collapsing societal morals we are facing in todays world.
In the end it comes down to this: To whom much is giving, much is expected.
Perhaps the problem lies in giving these people too much money or responsility or temptations before they are ready for such.
Perhaps it is due to the collapsing societal morals we are facing in todays world.
In the end it comes down to this: To whom much is giving, much is expected.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Lessons of a Navy Seal

Freedom has a unique taste for those that have fought for it. Liberty has a special ring for those that have faced death in the eyes of an enemy and somehow managed to survive. Dedication is rarely understood by those that are dedicated, and perseverance is rarely comprehended by those that have persevered.
I have been to Hell, and I returned to tell the story about it.
I was born with a silver spoon shoved up my ass, so to speak, but I quickly learned that with money comes great headaches. You wonder who your friends are. You wonder why people hang out with you. Is it because they find you a fascinating person? Or is it because they think your wealth may rub off on them.
I volunteered for the U.S. Navy with the intention of leaving my wealthy family, and the responsibilities that came with them, behind.
I've always loved a challenge, so after serving a term or so I decided to apply for Seal Training. And I was accepted.
What followed was the most grueling period of my life, and the most rewarding. I emerged a U.S. Navy Seal who undertook missions that would make James Bond wince. It hardened me, make me think I was the shit. I parachuted behind enemy lines, conducted my business, and then made my way through the roughest terrain to safety - often nearly reaching the end of my life along the way.
And when everything was at its best, and life was grandest, my past caught up to me. Father was dying, and I was needed to take care of the business - only son, you know.
The biggest voice that helped me through the roughest times, however, did not come from a fellow Seal, or any of my Marine Corps buddies. It came from an enlisted kid who was much smaller than me, and nothing more than a wanna-be as far as I was concerned. But inside, Doug was larger than me. He understood how the wheels of life turn. And he had stories that even made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
In the end, he made me realize all those years ago, that it is not about how ripped your body gets, or how big your checkbook is. I had both, and I was defeated.
In the end it is about what you do with what you have, and how you leave your mark on this world. As Doug drives down the Interstate as I type this, driving a Tractor/Trailer down a lonely highway through the desert, I salute him. I had everything and nearly squandered it. He had nothing, and made himself more.
He epitomizes dedication and perseverance, and our liberty remains because of men like him. Be safe on the road, my friend. Be safe.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
the Left is populated by vile and disgusting individuals
proof is in the pictures. Visit THIS SITE and view the pics from the art show!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Friday, July 13, 2007
So I'm Sitting Here

San Diego is a beautiful city. The weather is more often than not nice. And where I'm at along the beach the scenery is awesome. The waves are crashing at the beach, and beautiful women are running by my patio on a sidewalk near the sand.
I live for the extreme, sometimes. As a former Seal in the United States Navy, which is where I met Doug (he's a sailor too, you know) at Political Pistachio, I can appreciate the water. Sky Diving is my passion, though. I tell people that the exhilaration of jumping out of the plane thousands of feet above the Earth is better than sex. Doug jokes with me and says that if I truly believe that, then I must be doing the sex thing wrong.
But I wonder, with what's going on in the world, how long I have left to enjoy the freedoms this nation has to offer. How long before regulations get so tight that I won't be able to do the things I please. How long before sky diving is a crime?
You know, if the liberal's push for a heavy penalty called the Inheritance Tax had been in effect when my parents died, I'd be in a soup line. Doesn't sound like they are trying to eliminate poverty to me. Sounds like they are trying to create it.
Lucky for me, that's not the case, so here I sit, at the beach, taking in the sun.
Oh, added note, for those of you that do read Political Pistachio by Doug Gibbs, he's been in a bad way lately with medical shit. All those years of a hard life has caught up to him, I suppose. So, for those of you that read my site and pray, pray for him. He needs it right now.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Friday, July 6, 2007
I actually got a kick out of this video from one of my lunatic left's sites I visit every once in a while. I have a feeling Tom the Neurotic can relate well to the character in this clip. Perhaps this is his knee jerk reaction to when Christians claim this nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Doug's other home
I've been to the Oregon Coast, and it is awesome. Nice to see that Doug from Political Pistachio has made the time to go up there for a week. Enjoy, buddy, see you when you get back. Fire your guns while you are there - exercise your right to bear arms.
Me? I'd be fishing!
Me? I'd be fishing!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Political Pistachio Gets Torpedoed!
the following was posted by Douglas V. Gibbs at Political Pistachio:
Jeff Edwards is a retired U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer and an Anti-Submarine Warfare Specialist. He chased Soviet submarines during the Cold War, and launched cruise missiles in the Persian Gulf. His twenty-three year career spanned the globe. He is now an expert civilian consultant to the Naval Space Warfare Systems Center and the Fleet Anti-Submarine Warfare Command, the Navy's think tank for high-tech undersea warfare.
Jeff Edwards is also the author of Torpedo, a book with a plot ripped from today's headlines. Torpedo was the winner of the 2005 Admiral Nimitz Award for Outstanding Naval Fiction from the Military Writers Society of America (a writers organization I am also a member of). Jeff Edwards is a member of both the Military Writers Society of America, and the American Authors Association(of which I am also a member of as well!). Saturday, June 23, 2007 he will be my guest on Political Pistachio Radio to talk about his book (which combines an accident at a nuclear power plant, and illegal arms deal, and a biological warfare attack to ignite a crisis that would pull Europe, the Middle East, and the U.S. into an all-out war!), Torpedo, and the state of the art weaponry referred to in the book.
Tune in to the broadcast live at 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern, or catch the archive later Political Pistachio. Call in to the show to ask him questions (646) 652-2940, or Yahoo Instant Message me (ID: douglasvgibbs).
Sunday, 6pm Pacific, June 24th, 2007 I will be the guest on Independently Correct Radio hosted by Paul Couturier to discuss the ferocity of my recent blog posts, and the Gay Marriage initiatives in Massachusetts.
Tuesday, 4pm Pacific, June 26th, 2007 I will be the co-host of Triple Threat on Daniel Myers Live radio show to discuss current events, and challenge the liberals with some conservative wisdom.
As an added note, My Point Radio is not going to broadcast on Saturdays directly following PPR for a while. Their upcoming schedule is as follows:
Jun 25, 6:00PM Pacific, Jun 28, 5:00PM Pacific, Jul 2, 6:00PM Pacific, Jul 5, 5:00PM Pacific, Jul 9, 6:00PM Pacific.
Also, Jenn of the Jungle from Screw Liberals dot com has her own show on Sundays at 2pm Pacific, so give it a listen. It's a little wacky, a little hard hitting, and a whole lot of fun.
Wednesday at 6pm Pacific check out my good friend at Political Vindication
And Finally catch Andrea Shea King on BlogTalkRadio Monday through Thursday at 6pm Pacific Time, and join the chatroom for her show at www.askshow.com.
For the next week I will be at my little slice of heaven on the Oregon Coast - Gawfer's seen the pictures, he knows! Anyhow, be rest assured, I will still pay the local library a visit to post my articles, and check my e-mail! And those two shows I'm going to be a guest on will be from a wooden deck overlooking a marvelous landscape of American forest! Tune in to those two shows, you might hear a description of what I see, and why I'm there!
Jeff Edwards is a retired U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer and an Anti-Submarine Warfare Specialist. He chased Soviet submarines during the Cold War, and launched cruise missiles in the Persian Gulf. His twenty-three year career spanned the globe. He is now an expert civilian consultant to the Naval Space Warfare Systems Center and the Fleet Anti-Submarine Warfare Command, the Navy's think tank for high-tech undersea warfare.
Jeff Edwards is also the author of Torpedo, a book with a plot ripped from today's headlines. Torpedo was the winner of the 2005 Admiral Nimitz Award for Outstanding Naval Fiction from the Military Writers Society of America (a writers organization I am also a member of). Jeff Edwards is a member of both the Military Writers Society of America, and the American Authors Association(of which I am also a member of as well!). Saturday, June 23, 2007 he will be my guest on Political Pistachio Radio to talk about his book (which combines an accident at a nuclear power plant, and illegal arms deal, and a biological warfare attack to ignite a crisis that would pull Europe, the Middle East, and the U.S. into an all-out war!), Torpedo, and the state of the art weaponry referred to in the book.
Tune in to the broadcast live at 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern, or catch the archive later Political Pistachio. Call in to the show to ask him questions (646) 652-2940, or Yahoo Instant Message me (ID: douglasvgibbs).
Sunday, 6pm Pacific, June 24th, 2007 I will be the guest on Independently Correct Radio hosted by Paul Couturier to discuss the ferocity of my recent blog posts, and the Gay Marriage initiatives in Massachusetts.
Tuesday, 4pm Pacific, June 26th, 2007 I will be the co-host of Triple Threat on Daniel Myers Live radio show to discuss current events, and challenge the liberals with some conservative wisdom.
As an added note, My Point Radio is not going to broadcast on Saturdays directly following PPR for a while. Their upcoming schedule is as follows:
Jun 25, 6:00PM Pacific, Jun 28, 5:00PM Pacific, Jul 2, 6:00PM Pacific, Jul 5, 5:00PM Pacific, Jul 9, 6:00PM Pacific.
Also, Jenn of the Jungle from Screw Liberals dot com has her own show on Sundays at 2pm Pacific, so give it a listen. It's a little wacky, a little hard hitting, and a whole lot of fun.
Wednesday at 6pm Pacific check out my good friend at Political Vindication
And Finally catch Andrea Shea King on BlogTalkRadio Monday through Thursday at 6pm Pacific Time, and join the chatroom for her show at www.askshow.com.
For the next week I will be at my little slice of heaven on the Oregon Coast - Gawfer's seen the pictures, he knows! Anyhow, be rest assured, I will still pay the local library a visit to post my articles, and check my e-mail! And those two shows I'm going to be a guest on will be from a wooden deck overlooking a marvelous landscape of American forest! Tune in to those two shows, you might hear a description of what I see, and why I'm there!
Friday, June 22, 2007
When I Am High Above The Earth
During that moment between when I depart from the plane and when I pull my ripcord, I am at peace. Unfortunately, eventually I have to come back down to earth where a lot of assholes live.
Here's how you deal with assholes. First, you ask them not to be assholes. When they persist, you knock them on their ass.
Here's how you deal with assholes. First, you ask them not to be assholes. When they persist, you knock them on their ass.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Seeds of Wisdom
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free - - Ronald Reagan
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Hollywood rubbing elbows with our enemy
Danny Glover is buddy buddy with Chavez and Michael Moore is friends with Castro.
What the fuck?
Chavez and Castro are dictators and members of our group of enemies.
Downright treason!
What the fuck?
Chavez and Castro are dictators and members of our group of enemies.
Downright treason!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Mexico's Drug Wars
The drug war in Mexico is escalating as the violence spread to the border towns. Read the articles at this link. They'll not only shock you, but help you realize why it is so important to secure our border.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
When a Soldier has Something to say. . .
Posted by Douglas V. Gibbs of Political Pistachio.
Are You Ready For The Truth?
So there I am, in my office trying to explain something to somebody, and I am contacted by a Soldier that is Politically Incorrect, and proud of it!
Paul Couturier received the call to go to Iraq in 2003 to be a part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I am sure he didn't know what truly to expect. Or perhaps he did. After all, Paul had already been in the Army National Guard for over 20 years at that point.
In my past correspondence with him it became immediately clear that Paul has a lot to say. He lives in Massachusetts, so you can just imagine what he thinks of his two senators (more or less his words - BTW, those Senators are: John Kerry and Teddy Kennedy), and one of his biggest gripes is about the anti-military extremists in general, especially (his words again) "those hypocrites who say they support the troops, but not their mission!"
Well, tonight on Political Pistachio Radio, Paul will be able to say what he desires about the war, and about the libtards that seek to undermine the effort. The show airs live at 4pm Pacific Time/7pm Eastern Time. Listen live if you'd like, or access the archive later. You are also free to call in to talk to Paul at (646) 652-2940. I will field questions when I can from Yahoo Instant Messenger if that is how you want to participate - my ID is douglasvgibbs.
All that Paul asks is that we all remember that he is still serving in the Guard, and though he wishes to be honest about the war, he will not say anything that may place the troops currently serving overseas at a disadvantage in any way.
Looking forward to hearing from you tonight. Until then, Blessings from Political Pistachio.
P.S. I will also update you on my son's situation with cancer - we spent a long time at the hospital with him this morning.
Are You Ready For The Truth?
So there I am, in my office trying to explain something to somebody, and I am contacted by a Soldier that is Politically Incorrect, and proud of it!
Paul Couturier received the call to go to Iraq in 2003 to be a part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. I am sure he didn't know what truly to expect. Or perhaps he did. After all, Paul had already been in the Army National Guard for over 20 years at that point.
In my past correspondence with him it became immediately clear that Paul has a lot to say. He lives in Massachusetts, so you can just imagine what he thinks of his two senators (more or less his words - BTW, those Senators are: John Kerry and Teddy Kennedy), and one of his biggest gripes is about the anti-military extremists in general, especially (his words again) "those hypocrites who say they support the troops, but not their mission!"
Well, tonight on Political Pistachio Radio, Paul will be able to say what he desires about the war, and about the libtards that seek to undermine the effort. The show airs live at 4pm Pacific Time/7pm Eastern Time. Listen live if you'd like, or access the archive later. You are also free to call in to talk to Paul at (646) 652-2940. I will field questions when I can from Yahoo Instant Messenger if that is how you want to participate - my ID is douglasvgibbs.
All that Paul asks is that we all remember that he is still serving in the Guard, and though he wishes to be honest about the war, he will not say anything that may place the troops currently serving overseas at a disadvantage in any way.
Looking forward to hearing from you tonight. Until then, Blessings from Political Pistachio.
P.S. I will also update you on my son's situation with cancer - we spent a long time at the hospital with him this morning.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
What the hell is going on in our school system?

Doug over at Political Pistachio posted about the Homosexual Agenda being pushed in the school system, and I agreed, but thought he was overdoing it a bit.
Then this happened!
Holy shit! twelve year olds? And the teacher knew damn well she was out of line!
Not only should Brokeback Mountain due to its homosexual material not be shown to a bunch of children without parent approval, but it's Rated R as well! (Granted, the R-rating is because of the controversial gay material).
It is not accident that in the United States 97% of AIDS cases are homosexuals. The life expectancy of gay men is considerable shorter than straight men because THE MALE BODY IS NOT DESIGNED FOR THAT KIND OF USE!
On top of that, thanks to the feministic nazis women are trying to be men, and thanks to queers men are trying to be like women.
What the fuck?
I understand the Biblical implications, and such, but come on, it only takes common sense to realize that the butt was not made for penetration. As for me, there is an "Exit Only" sign on mine.
And before you libs start barking at me about my insensitive remarks, read my lips: Homosexuals are not a race, or an ethnic group. They are what they are because of choice, and do not deserve special treatment (nobody deserves preferential treatment anyway). Hey, if you want to butt-slam behind the closed doors of your house, fine, but don't parade it in front of me, or my children. A person's rights stop where the other's starts, and my right not to have my children exposed to that kind of filth negates your right to grab each other's asses in public!
And I'll be damned if my kids will be exposed to that shit by some teacher without giving me the option to pull my child out of the class before the showing of the flick. It offends me.
Of course, offensiveness only applies to those who aren't white males, or Christians, right?
Monday, May 14, 2007
Democrats can't admit there is an enemy out there

I had a lengthy conversation with Doug from Political Pistachio today, and he had some interesting views regarding the Democrats and their view of the war on terror. He told me that he was going to talk about this attitude by the Left of the war on his radio show on Saturday, and he may be able to secure a veteran of Operation Iraq Freedom as a guest. Anyhow, this is a rundown of what we decided to be the truth about the idiot left:
The Democrats don't want to offend the Muslims because to do so would mean that there may be a small chance that Islam Terrorists might be the enemy as Conservatives have been declaring all along - and if they admitted that these people may possibly be the enemy, then that would mean that there is the slightest chance that the global war on terror is a good cause, which would make it possibly conceivable that Bush knew what he was doing when he invaded Iraq and that by pulling out of the region we would be making a grave mistake.
The Democrats would never admit that it is possible that anybody (other than the United States) is a violent enemy. It would interfere with their propaganda campaign (which is designed to eventually impeach him and silence Conservatives and Christians once and for all - as evidenced by the "Fairness Doctrine" which is anything but fair), which may interfere with their true goal (because, of course, the safety of America is obviously not their primary goal) of landing themselves into the White House in 2008. That is why they won't do any thing to protect this nation from another terror attack. They can't admit that anyone is the enemy other than the United States. They can't close the borders because that would admit there are people out there that are bad (other than Conservatives and Christians) and when we get attacked (and we will be because as much as this war on terror keeps the terrorists off our back on our soil, there are still cells within this country that can still carry out such attacks) again it won't be the fault of the enemy in the eyes of the Democrats. It will be our fault. The Left already thinks that it is our fault that the Sunnis and Shiites are blowing each others heads off as they take pop shots at American Troops (because they are too stupid to see the truth of the matter) and for all I know, they even believe that it is our fault that Islam hates the West (they hate anything not Islamic, you imbeciles). That is how the liberals work. Everyone other than them, according to lefty logic (now is that an oxymoron or what?) are too stupid to do anything right so the left must take control and steer us idiots in the proper direction. They are a bunch of Marxists who think that European Socialism and a global federation of government is the way to go. The only way to achieve that, however, is coercion, so they play their little games tricking the public into thinking that their lies are what's best for us, and morons like the liberal commenters on this blog have fallen for it hook line and sinker. That's what their plans to raise taxes is all about. It has nothing to do with revenue. It's all about CONTROL OVER YOU.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mothers Day
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Liberal Democrats are battling each other in a power struggle with the White House. They insist on playing games to "get their point across" rather than give our brave young men and women the funding they require. Rather than do the right thing, they are attempting a power grab with only the 2008 election in mind.
The actions of Congress is an intrusion on the authority of the Commander-in-Chief. What the Democrats are doing is in direct defiance of the Constitution. Article II, Seciton 2 reads:
The President Shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several states, when called into actual service of the United States.
And all of these games are being played at a time when our troops need funding. The troops are on the battlefield and need funding and this ongoing treasonous activities by Congress will result in nothing less than more of our troops coming home in body bags.
The actions of Congress is an intrusion on the authority of the Commander-in-Chief. What the Democrats are doing is in direct defiance of the Constitution. Article II, Seciton 2 reads:
The President Shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several states, when called into actual service of the United States.
And all of these games are being played at a time when our troops need funding. The troops are on the battlefield and need funding and this ongoing treasonous activities by Congress will result in nothing less than more of our troops coming home in body bags.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Monday, May 7, 2007
What's Going Right In Iraq
The mainstream media is so busy showing us what they see as mistakes, that they never show you what's right - - - click here for that.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Friday, May 4, 2007
Islamic Barbarians
Islam has failed to grow as a society, and remain somewhere in the middle ages. This article is a good example as to ignorant and savage these people really are.
The article is about a teenage girl being stoned for dating a non-Muslim boy.
Read about it HERE.
The article is about a teenage girl being stoned for dating a non-Muslim boy.
Read about it HERE.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Illegal Alien Law Breakers
I am floored by people that think that by breaking the law of border jumping, and crying for the same benefits that citizens of the United States have is a just cause. And we allow it. I wish we would just find all of them, shove them in busses, and send their asses back to the backward country they came from.
I understand the desire of folks to come here. This is a great nation, but the process is arduous for a reason. It is designed to filter out the diseased, mentally disturbed, and criminal elements, allowing only the fittest to come here and become a part of the melting pot. Do you know what happens if you throw rotten things into a stew? The stew goes bad.
Be an immigrant, but do it the legal way.
I understand the desire of folks to come here. This is a great nation, but the process is arduous for a reason. It is designed to filter out the diseased, mentally disturbed, and criminal elements, allowing only the fittest to come here and become a part of the melting pot. Do you know what happens if you throw rotten things into a stew? The stew goes bad.
Be an immigrant, but do it the legal way.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
The Definition of War
Today George W. Bush vetoed the Iraq War Bill that was designed to fund the troops with conditions (including pork that has nothing to do with the conflict) attached.
In Bush's speech where he explained his decision to veto the bill, I agreed with the President across the board.
Because of this position I have been called a war monger, occupier, rightwing loon, etc. And over at Sky Dive Rick's site, Tom the banned liberal commenter and Rick have been going back and forth over the issue of the war. I've been paying attention, fascinated by the interplay, and surprised at how often Tom dragged me into the discussion.
Tom accused me of not taking a specific position, or answering his question regarding how the war should be run.
So here's my answer:
Political Correctness has everyone worried about what they say or what they do to the point that even the Bush Administration has fallen victim to it. The liberal Democrats have pounded it down our throat so much that we have forgotten the history of America that has made this nation so great.
It seems to me that the past definition of war was not what it is now. Today's definition is heavily influenced by Vietnam and the hippies that marched against it. Before the Vietnam War was fought war was waged in a different way. We went in and fought the enemy. We didn't dance around politics.
Right now we are essentially dealing with a termite problem by waiting for the termites to show themselves before we blast them. We fear attacking the problem because a few other bugs may be wiped out as well.
From the beginning we should have gone in with guns blazing, destroyed a few cities, turned some sand to glass, allowed for collateral damage, and showed the world that if you screw with the United States your nation is going to suffer. We should have went in from a position of strength. We should have went in as the Superpower that we are.
Now, with us tippy-toeing around all of this politically correct B.S., we have lost the war because we have refused to fight it. Bush has allowed himself to use rules of engagement that handcuffs our troops because he's worried about what the Left may say. And we have allowed the Media and the Left to dictate the direction of the conflict, and to prosecute our troops through court martials for them doing their job.
Screw the Left, screw political correctness, and fight the damn war! Don't quit until victory is achieved!
That's my answer.
Oh, and yes, for those of you that give me grief, I do think you are unpatriotic for calling a war a lost cause as our troops fight it. To say otherwise would be like tossing a life preserver to a person in the water, and then telling them it doesn't matter, because they are going to drown anyway.
I have a post about the MayDay Immigration rallies at my Right Angle site.
This post is cross-posted at SkyDiveRick's.
In Bush's speech where he explained his decision to veto the bill, I agreed with the President across the board.
Because of this position I have been called a war monger, occupier, rightwing loon, etc. And over at Sky Dive Rick's site, Tom the banned liberal commenter and Rick have been going back and forth over the issue of the war. I've been paying attention, fascinated by the interplay, and surprised at how often Tom dragged me into the discussion.
Tom accused me of not taking a specific position, or answering his question regarding how the war should be run.
So here's my answer:
Political Correctness has everyone worried about what they say or what they do to the point that even the Bush Administration has fallen victim to it. The liberal Democrats have pounded it down our throat so much that we have forgotten the history of America that has made this nation so great.
It seems to me that the past definition of war was not what it is now. Today's definition is heavily influenced by Vietnam and the hippies that marched against it. Before the Vietnam War was fought war was waged in a different way. We went in and fought the enemy. We didn't dance around politics.
Right now we are essentially dealing with a termite problem by waiting for the termites to show themselves before we blast them. We fear attacking the problem because a few other bugs may be wiped out as well.
From the beginning we should have gone in with guns blazing, destroyed a few cities, turned some sand to glass, allowed for collateral damage, and showed the world that if you screw with the United States your nation is going to suffer. We should have went in from a position of strength. We should have went in as the Superpower that we are.
Now, with us tippy-toeing around all of this politically correct B.S., we have lost the war because we have refused to fight it. Bush has allowed himself to use rules of engagement that handcuffs our troops because he's worried about what the Left may say. And we have allowed the Media and the Left to dictate the direction of the conflict, and to prosecute our troops through court martials for them doing their job.
Screw the Left, screw political correctness, and fight the damn war! Don't quit until victory is achieved!
That's my answer.
Oh, and yes, for those of you that give me grief, I do think you are unpatriotic for calling a war a lost cause as our troops fight it. To say otherwise would be like tossing a life preserver to a person in the water, and then telling them it doesn't matter, because they are going to drown anyway.
I have a post about the MayDay Immigration rallies at my Right Angle site.
This post is cross-posted at SkyDiveRick's.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Bird feeders and illegal aliens

My aunt told me about this bird feeder she bought. She hung it on her back porch
and filled it with seed. Within a week she had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food. But then the birds
began building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table, and next to the barbecue. Then came the poop. It was everywhere: on the patio tile, the
chairs, the table...everywhere. Then some of the birds turned mean: They would dive bomb her and try to peck at her even though she had fed them out of her own pocket.
And other birds were boisterous and loud: They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night and demanded that she fill it when it
got low on food. After a while, she couldn't even sit on her own back porch anymore. She took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were gone. She cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio. Soon, the back yard was like it used to be...quiet, serene and no one demanding their rights to a free meal.
Now lets see...our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care, free education and allows anyone born here to be a automatic citizen.
Then the illegals came by the tens of thousands. Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for free services; small apartments are housing 5 families: you have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an emergency room doctor: you child's 2nd grade class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn't speak English: Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box; I have to press "one" to hear my bank talk to me in English, and
people waving flags other than "Old Glory" are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties.
Maybe it's time for the government to take down the bird feeder.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Why Rap is Crap

Rap and Hip-Hop sales are on a decline. Many are claiming that the reasons are because when the music went mainstream it lost its freshness. I think that its reliance on unconventional lyrics has played a large part in its demise.
The music has become more than just a commentary on real-life problems. Now, they claim it is about the problems of being a poverty stricken kid growing up in the hood, or what not, and all the artists do now is talk about how they got so rich, and how many "hoes" they got, and how much "booty" they tag.
Honestly, their lyrics offend the public and set back the black community in ways they it does not need. Rather than substance, they offer vulgarity and offensive attitudes toward women.
And on top of that, the stigma of listening to the music, the rebellion and attitude that went along with it, is gone. The common mainstream sound is nothing more than an irritant, now.
People are tired of the gangsta attitude. Their fans have grown up and matured, and the younger generation is just too intelligent to fall for what rap offers.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Sensations of Sky Diving
When you jump it takes your breath away, but in a good way. You're falling so fast that your heart pumps heavier and your grin spreads from ear to ear. The exhilaration is like nothing that can be explained. The world is spread out before you. You see things in a whole new light. You taste danger, and it tastes so sweet you have to do it again and again.
Sky diving changes you for the rest of your life. Suddenly, anything is possible. Anything can be accomplished. If you are willing to step out of a plane and fall to the earth, the world cannot beat you.
The sensation is pure exhilaration like you can't even imagine.
The anticipation rivals the exhilaration of the jump.
And in the end, you thank yourself for making the leap.
Sky diving changes you for the rest of your life. Suddenly, anything is possible. Anything can be accomplished. If you are willing to step out of a plane and fall to the earth, the world cannot beat you.
The sensation is pure exhilaration like you can't even imagine.
The anticipation rivals the exhilaration of the jump.
And in the end, you thank yourself for making the leap.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Sky Dive School

I went to class to learn in Lake Elsinore, California how to sky dive, right off the bat I thought it was a little more expensive than I thought it should be. That was until I completed the course. The price was right.
The instructors seemed knowledgeable and experienced. I go there to brush up, sometimes, and most of my jumping is out of Lake Elsinore.
The course is day-long ground school followed by a tandem jump. It is designed to teach students how to skydive safely, in a relatively short time.
After that class you have the option to take classes for the next level, and each level has certain objectives you must meet before you can progress to the next level.
They teach you heading awareness, coordinated body movements for practice ripcord touches, and awareness and attention to altitude. Later you are expected to be able to pull the rip cord at 4500 feet. The lessons are actually pretty easy. The become harder as you increase the level of classes. Some people actually go all the way through the course without redoing any level.
After your Jumpmaster/Instructor debriefs you (after each jump) he will write a summary of the jump in your jump log.
The Jumpmaster, when you are ready to jump by yourself, tells you to climb out. You get in position next to the door.
Circle of awareness. Check the horizon. Check your altimeter. Check in with your secondary Jumpmaster. Check in with your primary jumpmaster.
Practice rip cord touch. (Let's the JM know that you know where your rip cord is.
Practice rip cord touch. (Let's the JM know that you know where your rip cord is.
And away you go when told to.
Oh, and in that picture above is the packing of the chute, which they do. It can only be packed by a licensed individual. Below is the greatest thrill anyone can ever experience in life.

Friday, April 20, 2007
Why a gun ban can be a bad thing.
In keeping with the posts that have been circulating around the blogosphere, I found this little gem thanks to Doug at Political Pistachio.
Voice of the Pacific (in Australia)
Titled "I Want My Rights Back"
Over the last two days, the level of sickening hypocrisy and arrant stupidity of the media has reached depths of nausea that even I did not believe were possible
Chief of these, is a cry to ban all handguns.
This, if done, will leave all the guns in the hands of those who don’t give a rats ass for the laws being clamored for.
We do not have the right to keep and bear arms in Australia
And a criminal brandishes a shotgun in our faces and robs us in broad daylight.
We do not have the right to keep and bear arms in Australia
And we are carjacked at gunpoint.
We do not have the right to keep and bear arms in Australia.
And as a bank employee, we are threatened with a gun as the bank is robbed.Or shot as we cower on the floor.
We do not have the right to keep and bear arms in Australia.
And a woman is shot to death by a maniac, in a real estate agents office.
We do not have the right to keep and bear arms in Australia.
In the future, a lunatic who got his guns from an illegal dealer on the streets stalks through an office, slaughtering anyone he sees. I may be next, as he stands there laughing, and my last wish is that I had had a gun to shoot him instead.
But yes, all bad guns are “bad” and we have lots of gun laws to keep us safe. The government will pass lots more, and ensure we are never allowed to have a gun.
If you have the nerve to defend yourself, expect to wind up in jail when the criminal sues you.
We keep telling ourselves how safe we are, thanks to all of those gun laws…until an armed home invasion gang smashes down the front door.
Don’t let them do this to you.
Voice of the Pacific (in Australia)
Titled "I Want My Rights Back"
Over the last two days, the level of sickening hypocrisy and arrant stupidity of the media has reached depths of nausea that even I did not believe were possible
Chief of these, is a cry to ban all handguns.
This, if done, will leave all the guns in the hands of those who don’t give a rats ass for the laws being clamored for.
We do not have the right to keep and bear arms in Australia
And a criminal brandishes a shotgun in our faces and robs us in broad daylight.
We do not have the right to keep and bear arms in Australia
And we are carjacked at gunpoint.
We do not have the right to keep and bear arms in Australia.
And as a bank employee, we are threatened with a gun as the bank is robbed.Or shot as we cower on the floor.
We do not have the right to keep and bear arms in Australia.
And a woman is shot to death by a maniac, in a real estate agents office.
We do not have the right to keep and bear arms in Australia.
In the future, a lunatic who got his guns from an illegal dealer on the streets stalks through an office, slaughtering anyone he sees. I may be next, as he stands there laughing, and my last wish is that I had had a gun to shoot him instead.
But yes, all bad guns are “bad” and we have lots of gun laws to keep us safe. The government will pass lots more, and ensure we are never allowed to have a gun.
If you have the nerve to defend yourself, expect to wind up in jail when the criminal sues you.
We keep telling ourselves how safe we are, thanks to all of those gun laws…until an armed home invasion gang smashes down the front door.
Don’t let them do this to you.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Virginia Tech Massacre
After visiting a few blogs, agreeing with the Conservatives and wanting to bitch-slap the Liberals, I finally decided to open my own blog. And my first post will refer to one of my favorites and his take on the Virginia Tech killings.
Political Pistachio:
and then there is his asshole liberal troll that once banned was glad to return when the posts truly became sensible:
I am tired to sitting back and watching the liberals be the mentally retarded fuck-offs that they are. Time to kick ass and take names.
Got my guns at the ready.
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